
Filter FWHM (Å) CWL (Å) Telescope Instrument Plot Data Comments
HC 1498.00 32950.00 Gemini North NIRI HC HC needs to be updated
PAH 545.00 32950.00 Gemini North GNIRS PAH PAH
ORDER_2 15000.00 36500.00 Gemini North GNIRS ORDER_2 ORDER_2
LPRIME 7008.00 37800.00 Gemini North NIRI LPRIME LPRIME
BRACONT 617.00 39900.00 Gemini North NIRI BRACONT BRACONT needs to be updated
BRA 628.00 40520.00 Gemini North NIRI BRA BRA needs to be updated
MPRIME 2411.00 46800.00 Gemini North NIRI MPRIME MPRIME
ORDER_1 17706.00 52900.00 Gemini North GNIRS ORDER_1 ORDER_1