
 March 17, 2010
 07:00  Posters and Exhibits
 08:00  Breakfast
 08:45  Welcome and Introductions
 09:00  Vera Rubin, “Early Kitt Peak, Bright Galaxies, and Dark Matter
 10:00  Break
 10:30  Nicholas Suntzeff, “The Acceleration of the Universe
 11:30 Douglas Rabin, “The New Solar Corona
 12:30 Lunch

Charles Lada, “Star Formation in the Galaxy, an Observational Perspective

 15:30  Heather Morrison, “Galaxy Formation and Evolution: from the Outside
 17:00  Reception for Meeting Participants
 19:00  Doors Open to Public
 19:30 Public Talk: Alan Dressler, “The Living History of the Universe

See also the programs for From First Light to Newborn Stars (March 14-16) and The Eventful Universe (March 18-20).