Science Announcements

DECam: Looking Back, Looking Forward

15 April 2021

To celebrate 10 years of DECam operations, NOIRLab will hold an in-person community workshop in Tucson 12-14 September 2022. The workshop will highlight

Early use of the Rubin Science Platform for Data Preview 0

15 April 2021

The Rubin Observatory’s Data Preview 0 (DP0) will make simulated LSST-like data products available in the Rubin Science Platform (RSP) to up to 300

F2 temporarily not available

6 April 2021

On Sunday 4th a problem was found with the compressors, affecting the F2 vacuum. The instrument needs to be warmed-up to inspect the issue

April 2021 Call for Proposals

1 April 2021

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other

Zorro faulty blue filter wheel

29 March 2021

The blue filter wheel of Zorro has been behaving erratically for past few monhts. This has had only minimal impact on operations, since the

Call For Proposals 2021B

19 March 2021

The 2021B semester Gemini Observatory Call for Proposals has been made public, along with a new version of the Phase I Tool. Details can

COVID-19 Update

19 March 2021

Operations at Gemini North have continued largely unchanged, with a reduced day crew on the mountain and night crew separated into two control rooms

Fast Turnaround Proposals

19 March 2021

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. As of the prior FT cycle (Feb 2021), all submitted FT