Science Announcements

NSF Reviewer Opportunities

16 December 2022

The NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences receives hundreds of meritorious proposals every year, only a fraction of which are awarded funding. NSF relies heavily

Scott Dahm Appointed New Gemini Deputy Director

16 December 2022

Scott Dahm will be joining the International Gemini Observatory and NOIRLab as the new Gemini Deputy Director on 9 January 2023.  Dahm is currently

Data Release for Gemini LLP GNIRS-DQS at Astro Data Lab

16 December 2022

NOIRLab’s Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) and the International Gemini Observatory are collaborating to host reduced and high-level data products generated

Gemini-North Shutdown Extended

16 December 2022

The Observatory has progressed significantly on the plan to repair the Gemini North primary mirror and return to night-time operations. More thorough inspections of

The Future of Astrophysical Data Infrastructure — Workshop Announcement

16 December 2022

The Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) at the Flatiron Institute, in collaboration with the National Science Foundation, is pleased to announce the Future

TMT Webinars and International Science Development Teams

16 December 2022

The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project is starting a webinar series to provide information about the observatory to the scientific community and will soon

NOIRLab at the 241st AAS Meeting

16 December 2022

The 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS 241) will take place from 8 to 12 January 2023 in Seattle, Washington

Gemini Fast Turnaround: Dec 2022

8 December 2022

Update: 22 December 2022 Update: Observations at Gemini South during April 2022 may now be proposed as part of this month's Call for Proposals