Science Announcements

UCG Report Posted

22 October 2013

The Users' Committee for Gemini (UCG) has completed a report following their August meeting, which is now posted. A Gemini response to the

Science Observations with FLAMINGOS-2

22 October 2013

The Gemini South infrared imager and spectrograph FLAMINGOS-2 is now regularly collecting science data for current semester 2013B programs. To date about half a

Gemini Brings the Universe Down to Earth in Chile

22 October 2013

Gemini’s flagship local outreach program, Viaje al Universo, recently delivered an assortment of fun and educational opportunities to several thousand local students, educators, families

US Government Shutdown Ends

22 October 2013

Gemini was able to maintain regular operations during the 16-day shutdown of the US Federal government, until the shutdown fortunately ended on October 16

Disks and Outflows during Formation of Massive Stars

22 October 2013

New observations of several massive young stellar objects lends further support for an explanation of massive star formation occurring via mass accretion through disks

New version of the Gemini IRAF package released (v1.12)

13 October 2013

A new version of the Gemini IRAF package (v1.12) has been released. This version is required for processing GSAOI and FLAMINGOS-2 data and includes

US Government Shutdown and Potential Impact on the Gemini Observatory

8 October 2013

As the US government goes into its second week of shutdown, Gemini Observatory remains solvent with operational funds secure until at least the end

Government shutdown, NOAO update

30 September 2013

A message from the NOAO Director Dear colleagues: As of 0800 MST Wednesday 9 October 2013, the US Federal government remains shut down and