
Release Date ID Title Description
1 September 2019 scidoc1319 Ground Based Optical Astronomy – Keeping the Innovation Window Open
1 September 2019 scidoc1341 NOAO Community Survey for Astro2020
1 September 2019 scidoc1340 Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris: Threats and Opportunities in the 2020s
1 September 2019 scidoc1339 EPO Vision, Needs, and Opportunities through Citizen Science
1 September 2019 scidoc1338 Observatory Operating Costs and Their Relation to Capital Costs
1 September 2019 scidoc1337 Multiwavelength Astrophysics in the Era of the ngVLA and the US ELT Program
1 September 2019 scidoc1336 The US Extremely Large Telescope Program
1 September 2019 scidoc1335 Infrastructure and Strategies for Time Domain and MMA and Follow-Up
1 September 2019 scidoc1334 The Role of National Observatories in Professional Astronomy Training
1 September 2019 scidoc1333 The Importance of 4m Class Observatories to Astrophysics in the 2020s
1 September 2019 scidoc1332 The Early Career Perspective on the Coming Decade, Astrophysics Career Paths, and the Decadal Survey. Process
1 September 2019 scidoc1331 The Importance of Telescope Training in Data Interpretation
1 September 2019 scidoc1330 2020 Vision: Towards a Sustainable OIR System
1 September 2019 scidoc1329 Providing a Timely Review of Input Demographics to Advisory Committees
1 September 2019 scidoc1328 Tying Research Funding to Progress on Inclusion
1 September 2019 scidoc1327 ANTARES: Enabling Time-Domain Discovery in the 2020s
1 September 2019 scidoc1326 The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)
1 September 2019 scidoc1325 Towards a Spectroscopic Survey Roadmap for the 2020s and Beyond
1 September 2019 scidoc1324 A Science Platform Network to Facilitate Astrophysics in the 2020s
1 September 2019 scidoc1321 Community Science and Data-Intensive Astronomy Support at the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory