Science Announcements

F2 is back in operations

26 April 2021

After overcoming an issue with the compressors and another with the temperature in the MOS dewar, F2 has been back to queue operations since April 23rd.

Zorro unavailable

23 April 2021

A failure in the Zorro PC will make the instrument unavailable until May ~5th.

COVID-19 Update

15 April 2021

The upward trend in Hawaii COVID case counts which began in early March and was noted in the last e-Newscast has unfortunately continued, but

Fast Turnaround Proposals

15 April 2021

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. The upcoming deadline is at 23:59 Hawai‘i Standard Time on 30

Virtual Gemini Science Meeting in August!

15 April 2021

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding the first on-line Gemini Science Meeting this August to bridge the gap to the

DECam: Looking Back, Looking Forward

15 April 2021

To celebrate 10 years of DECam operations, NOIRLab will hold an in-person community workshop in Tucson 12-14 September 2022. The workshop will highlight

Early use of the Rubin Science Platform for Data Preview 0

15 April 2021

The Rubin Observatory’s Data Preview 0 (DP0) will make simulated LSST-like data products available in the Rubin Science Platform (RSP) to up to 300

F2 temporarily not available

6 April 2021

On Sunday 4th a problem was found with the compressors, affecting the F2 vacuum. The instrument needs to be warmed-up to inspect the issue