Science Announcements

Gemini North Observing Database Online

25 February 2013

The Gemini North hardware maintenance is complete and the Observing Database is back online. Please submit a Help Desk ticket if you have encounter

Gemini North Observing Database offline Feb 26

21 February 2013

The Gemini North Observing Database will be offline on Tuesday February 26 from approximately 8am - 9am HST for hardware maintenance. During this time

Gemini e-newscast #44

19 February 2013

The Gemini e-newscast #44 (Feb. 14, 2013) features: Infrared Supernova Spectroscopy GeMS/GSAOI Update Users’ Committee for Gemini GPI to Start Acceptance Testing Gemini North

GPI to Start Acceptance Testing

13 February 2013

The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) has concluded its characterization stage at the Laboratory for Adaptive Optics at the University of California Santa Cruz. The


13 February 2013

Commissioning and System Verification(SV) of the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) with the Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI) continued in late January

Gemini North Shutdown Complete

13 February 2013

The Gemini North telescope completed a successful maintenance shutdown that began on January 22, returning to science on the night of February 2. During

Users’ Committee for Gemini

13 February 2013

The first report from the Users’ Committee for Gemini (UCG) is now posted , along with the Gemini response. One common theme of

"Big" Winner of Australian Student Imaging Contest

13 February 2013

Australian high school senior Ryan Soares won the most recent Australian Gemini Schools Imaging Contest with a large mosaic image of NGC 7232 and