Science Announcements

FLAMINGOS-2 Commissioning Update

16 May 2013

FLAMINGOS-2 was back on the sky at the end of April. Despite the poor seeing (“bad to very bad” according to Percy Gomez, instrument

A “Shockingly Bright” Gamma-ray Burst

16 May 2013

Antonino Cucchiara (University of California Observatories), Dan Perley (California Institute of Technology), and collaborators used GMOS on Gemini North to obtain a spectrum of

Welcome New Users’ Committee Members

16 May 2013

The Users’ Committee for Gemini (UCG) has been expanded. New members are: Mark Ammons (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Pauline Barmby (University of Western Ontario)

Gemini e-newscast #47

16 May 2013

The Gemini e-newscast #47 (May 17, 2013) features: A “Shockingly Bright” Gamma-ray Burst A Gap in a Pre-Transitional Disk FLAMINGOS-2 Commissioning Update Welcome New

A Gap in a Pre-Transitional Disk

16 May 2013

Planets in the disks around young stars may carve gaps or dynamically affect the disks. These so-called transitional and pre-transitional disks are therefore interesting

AstroDay Hawai‘i

16 May 2013

On May 4th, many Gemini scientists, engineers, support, and outreach staff joined in the educational festivities of AstroDay Hawai‘I 2013. During the day-long event

Updated beta version of the Gemini IRAF package released (v1.12beta2)

14 May 2013

An updated beta version of the Gemini IRAF package (v1.12beta2) has been released. This version is required for processing GSAOI data and includes configuration

Questions for Steve Kahn, Incoming LSST Director

30 April 2013

Dr. Steven M. Kahn was recently announced by AURA as the next Director of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). He will succeed Sidney