Science Announcements

Gemini e-Newscast #34 -- November 14, 2011

13 November 2011

1. Celebrating 1000 Gemini papers The one-thousandth scientific paper based on Gemini data has been published. The result was the discovery of new diffuse

Dire Budget Projections from NSF AST: Your Input Needed (Continued)

31 October 2011

The last issue of Currents described the dire budget projections from NSF MPS Astronomy (AST) and the possibility of drastic changes that would alter the

System Roadmap Survey Launched

31 October 2011

What observational resources will you need for your research in the years ahead? Help us plan for the future by responding to the survey launched by

Dr. Brian Schmidt, 2011 Nobel Laureate in Physics to Speak on the Accelerating Universe

17 October 2011

This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for a remarkable discovery that the Universe is accelerating as it expands. We are pleased to

Dire Budget Projections from NSF AST: Your Input Needed

30 September 2011

In his presentation to the Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee, NSF AST Director Jim Ulvestad provided guidance on the NSF MPS Astronomy (AST)

Gemini e-Newscast #33 -- September 2, 2011

1 September 2011

1. Trans-Neptunian Binaries and the History of the Outer Solar System Alex Parker (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; formerly of the University of Victoria, Canada)

2012A Call for proposals announced

30 August 2011

Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2012A. The proposal deadline is September 30, 2011. A new version of the Phase

2012A PIT released

30 August 2011

The Phase I Tool (PIT) for semester 2012A observing proposals has been released. Poor weather and Director's time proposals during the remainder of semester