Science Announcements

Update on the Gemini High-resolution Optical Spectrograph (GHOS)

19 August 2013

Gemini has been negotiating with the Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) for the continued design and construction of the Gemini High-resolution Optical Spectroraph (GHOS).  The AAO

Gemini e-Newscast #49

7 August 2013

This issue is dedicated to the latest results from FLAMINGOS-2 commissioning.  Look for more information about the successful July run of the visitor instrument

Gemini Planet Imager (GPI): Cleared for Shipment to Gemini South!

18 July 2013

GPI Pre-delivery Acceptance Review Committee: Group Photo-key In a milestone statement distributed moments ago by the GPI Pre-delivery Acceptance Review Committee, Chair Stephen Goodsell

Gemini South observing database offline July 3

30 June 2013

The Gemini South observing database will be offline for about 5 hours in the morning on Wednesday, July 3, for computer infrastructure maintenance. During

2013B Programs and Schedule Announced

16 June 2013

The Gemini 2013B observing programs have now been announced. Successful PIs will receive email notification on June 17 2013. Please check the schedules page

Committee Reports Posted

12 June 2013

The report from the Science and Technology Advisory Committee’s (STAC’s) April 2013 meeting and resolutions from the Gemini Board’s May 2013 meeting are posted

Gemini e-newscast #48

12 June 2013

The Gemini e-newscast #48 (June 13, 2013) features: Gemini Observations of Comet ISON FLAMINGOS-2 on the Gemini South Telescope 2013B Proposal Review Complete GMOS

Gemini Observations of Comet ISON

12 June 2013

Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) visits close to the Sun later this year, with predictions for good visibility in the morning sky in November and