Science Announcements

August Fast Turnaround Call for Gemini North

20 August 2020

Are you planning to submit a proposal for 2021A, but realizing your targets are visible now? Then Fast Turnaround (FT) is here for you

COVID-19 Update and 2021A Call for Proposals

20 August 2020

As COVID-19 cases are still limited in number on the island of Hawai‘i, Gemini North has continued its nighttime operations into Semester 2020B. Gemini

DRAGONS Imaging Verification

20 August 2020

The first public release of Gemini’s new Python-based data reduction platform, DRAGONS (Data R eduction for Astronomy from Gemini O

GOGREEN Data Release Workshop Aug 24-25

20 August 2020

The Gemini Observations of Galaxies in Rich Early ENvironments (GOGREEN) Survey team will hold a virtual workshop, hosted

What's Shaking at Gemini North?

20 August 2020

As travel restrictions remain in place for Hawai‘i and many other locations, it is not possible for our Visiting Instrument teams to come out

SATCON1 Report Delivered to NSF — Offers Roadmap to Mitigate Effects of Large Satellite Constellations on Astronomy

18 August 2020

A report by experts representing the global astronomical community concludes that large constellations of satellites in low Earth orbit will fundamentally change ground-based OIR

US ELT Program Update

18 August 2020

The US Extremely Large Telescope Program (US-ELTP) is a joint endeavor of NSF’s NOIRLab and the organizations building the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) and

GN Accepting Poor Weather Proposals

3 August 2020

Poor Weather proposals are now being accepted at Gemini North using the 2020B PIT.