Science Announcements

AAS 237 Splinter Session on NOIRLab’s Data Services: A Practical Demo Built on Science with the Dark Energy Survey

18 December 2020

At AAS 237, on Thursday 14 January 2021 at 4:10-5:40 pm EST, the NOIRLab Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) will hold a session

COVID-19 Update

18 December 2020

Starting in mid-October 2020, science operations conducted with limited staff were re-established at Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) in Arizona and at the Cerro

December Fast Turnaround Call for Both Gemini North and South

18 December 2020

Both Gemini North and South continue to accept Fast Turnaround (FT) proposals! The next deadline is at 23:59 Hawai‘i Standard Time on 31 December

Gemini and NOIRLab @ AAS 237

18 December 2020

Gemini will have a strong presence at the upcoming virtual AAS 237 meeting as one of the NOIRLab programs. A complete list of all

Large and Long Program Call for Letters of Intent

18 December 2020

The Call for Letters of Intent to propose for 2021 Gemini Large and Long Programs has been announced on the Gemini web pages:

News from the US National Gemini Office

18 December 2020

A new communication channel and data reduction tutorials are now available from the US NGO to support Gemini users: Twitter: Scheduled posts on Twitter

NOIRLab COVID-19 Update

18 December 2020

As we approach the end of 2020 it’s a good time to take stock of what we have learned from our experience with the

The US Extremely Large Telescope Program at AAS 237

18 December 2020

At AAS 237, on Thursday 14 January 2021 at 4:10-5:40 pm EST, the US Extremely Large Telescope Program will host a session featuring an