Science Announcements

A Video Blog about Gemini and GPI

13 February 2014

Take a few moments to enjoy this fun independent video blog about GPI, which is also a great introduction to Gemini. This “vlog”

Data Forum Contest Entries Due February 28

13 February 2014

The deadline for submitting content to the Gemini Data Forum, in order to be eligible for the Director’s Discretionary Time prizes, is February 28

Mauna Kea Update

13 February 2014

Repair work on the Gemini North shutter drive is nearing completion, with expectations that we will be back on sky the night of February

A Dwarf Galaxy Origin for a Milky Way Cluster

13 February 2014

What is the origin of massive star clusters? Recent work by Gary Da Costa (Australian National University) and collaborators shows evidence that the Milky

GeMS/GSAOI Observations of a Frontier Field

13 February 2014

The cluster MACSJ 0416.1-2403, one of the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields, has been observed using GeMS/GSAOI. The raw data are now publicly available

Software Updates: New PIT and Ending of Solaris Support

13 February 2014

A new 2014A Phase I Tool, PIT 2014A-SV 2014.1.2, has been released to support 2014A poor weather, director's time, and GPI early science

GPI Early Science and Public Data

13 February 2014

The call for Early Science programs using the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) is now open, with full information posted at <>. Proposals

GPI Call for Early Science programs

6 February 2014

The call for Early Science programs using the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) is now open, with full information posted at Proposals for