Science Announcements

GPI Early Science Programs Announced

20 March 2014

The recent call for Early Science programs using the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) saw a solid response from our user community, with nearly 30

2014A Observing Tool update released

4 March 2014

An updated to the 2014A Observing Tool (2014A.1.2.10) has been released and is available from the downloads site. This is an optional but recommended

Observing databases offline March 4

2 March 2014

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for ~1 hour on Tuesday March 4 while we perform quarterly software updates. During this time Observing

2014B Call for Proposals Announced

27 February 2014

Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2014B. The submission deadline varies with partner and ranges from MONDAY MARCH 31, 2014

Electrical Accident at Gemini North Closes Road, Injury Minor

27 February 2014

When performing electrical troubleshooting at Gemini North telescope facility on Wednesday, February 26, one of our electrical specialists accidentally contacted a powered circuit and

March GeMS Run Cancelled

19 February 2014

The Gemini South laser suffered a fault towards the end of the last GeMS run in February. The laser power has been lost to

Gemini North Back On-sky: Dome Repairs Complete

18 February 2014

After a very involved repair to a drive unit for the shutter of the Gemini North dome, Gemini North is back on the sky

Great Interest in Large and Long Programs

13 February 2014

Interest from our user community in the new Large and Long Programs mode is excellent, with over 40 letters of intent submitted by the