Science Announcements

New CCDs at Gemini South

23 April 2014

The new Hamamatsu CCDs for GMOS are now at Gemini South. They are currently undergoing testing on Cerro Pachón. GMOS will be off the

2013 Annual Progress Report and 2014 Program Plan

22 April 2014

2013 Annual Progress Report and 2014 Program Plan

Observing databases offline briefly April 16

14 April 2014

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for about an hour for operating system maintanence during the morning of April 16 at each site

Gemini’s New Optical Spectrograph Moves Ahead!

7 April 2014

A key milestone for the Gemini High-resolution Optical Spectrograph (GHOS) is now complete with final approval of the post-conceptual-design contracts by the National Science

Engaging our Local Communities

20 March 2014

Sharing the thrill of Gemini’s discoveries with our local communities in Hawai‘i and Chile reached another high point during the first half of March

"Bring One, Get One" Observing Opportunity

20 March 2014

Gemini Observatory and our Users’ Committee encourage visiting students and other early-career scientists to participate in observing runs. To support this effort, Gemini will

Extreme Star Formation (and a Galaxy Cluster's Violent Environment)

20 March 2014

The high star formation rate of the central galaxy of the Phoenix cluster (around 800 MSun/year) is fed by the flow of

Semester 2014B Proposals Due Soon

20 March 2014

The 2014B call for proposals is posted, Proposal deadlines vary with partner, ranging from Monday, March 31, to Tuesday, April 1.