Science Announcements

KASI Joins Gemini as a Limited-term Partner

22 October 2014

The Korea Astronomy and Space Sciences Institute (KASI) will be a limited-term partner of Gemini in 2015. A memorandum of understanding is signed, providing

Bring One, Get One: Support for Early Career Observing Experiences

22 October 2014

The first early-career visitors in the “Bring One, Get One” program have observed at Gemini North, and Gemini South will receive its

Patch to commissioning release for GMOS-S Hamamatsu CCDs

14 October 2014

This patch release of the "commissioning" release of the Gemini IRAF data reduction package is being made available to assist in the reduction of

Gemini Instrument Feasibility Studies (GIFS) Request for Proposal (RfP) Announcement

14 October 2014

GNIRS Temporarily Unavailable

28 September 2014

Due to ongoing problems with its cold heads, GNIRS is about to be removed from the telescope and warmed up for closer inspection. We

Gemini North Shutdown Complete

25 September 2014

The annual maintenance shutdown of Gemini North is complete, and we have returned to regular science observations. Image credit: Sean King

Funding Available for Gemini Instrument Feasibility Studies

25 September 2014

We are pleased to announce the release of the Gemini Instrument Feasibility Studies Request for Proposals. This is an opportunity to support funded feasibility

UCG 2014 Report Posted

25 September 2014

The Users’ Committee for Gemini (UCG) met in La Serena on August 18 and 19, and their 2014 report is available at the Gemini