GSM22 Conference Program

as of 27 July 2022

3:05 PM

2022 Gemini Science Meeting

Seoul Hilton Millennium

Registration packets available Monday 2pm-8pm

Day 0

Monday, July 25

9:00 AM
5:00 PM Gemini Users Committee Meeting link to schedule
2:00 PM
4:00 PM DRAGONS Data Reduction Workshop Sign-up required - instructions for sign-up to be sent to registered attendees
4:30 PM
8:00 AM Poster Set-up  
5:00 PM
7:00 PM Welcome Reception  

Day 1

Tuesday, July 26

8:00 AM
8:30 AM Speaker Slide Testing
INTRODUCTION Chair: Janice Lee (Gemini/NOIRLab)
Virtual Chair: Hwihyun Kim (Gemini/NOIRLab)
9:00 AM 9:15 AM Janice Lee/Hwi Kim Gemini/NOIRLab Welcome/Logistics Video
9:15 AM 9:25 AM In-Soo Yuk KASI KASI Welcome Video
9:25 AM 9:45 AM Jennifer Lotz Gemini/NOIRLab State of the Observatory Video
9:45 AM 10:05 AM Narae Hwang KASI The K-Way of Exploring the Universe and Sharing its Wonders Video
10:05 AM 10:25 AM Ruben Diaz Gemini/NOIRLab The Bold Future Ahead: Gemini Current & Future Instrumentation Video
10:25 AM 10:55 AM Break/Posters
SOLAR SYSTEM & EXOPLANETS Chair: Megan Mansfield (U. Arizona)
Virtual Chair: Zachary Hartman (Gemini/NOIRLab)
10:55 AM 11:15 AM David Trilling Northern Arizona University Gemini speckle observations of close-approaching Near Earth Objects Video
11:15 AM 11:35 AM Jeffrey Chilcote U Notre Dame Future instrumentation: GPI2 Video
11:35 AM 11:55 AM Garima Singh NRC Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Center Wavefront sensing and control for Gemini Planet Imager’s Calibration Unit-2.0 Video
11:55 AM 12:20 PM Jennifer Winters Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian, US Discovering Stellar Companions to the Nearby M Dwarfs at Separations of the Solar System Planets Video
12:20 PM 12:50 PM Speaker Slide Testing
12:20 PM 1:30 PM Lunch
SOLAR SYSTEM & EXOPLANETS (continued) Chair: Jonathan Williams (U. Hawaii)
Virtual Chair: Zachary Hartman (Gemini/NOIRLab)
1:30 PM 1:50 PM Erica Molnar-Bufanda U Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy Volatile Vehicles to the Past: Characterizing the Activity of Long Period Comets Video
1:50 PM 2:10 PM Megan Tannock University of Western Ontario IGRINS Spectroscopy of the T6 Dwarf 2MASS J08173001-6155158: Verification of Water, Methane, and Ammonia Line Lists and a Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Atlas of a 1050 K Atmosphere Video
2:10 PM 2:30 PM Heeyoung Oh KASI IGRINS-2: New IGRINS for Gemini-North Video
2:30 PM 2:50 PM Jennifer Burt Jet Propulsion Laboratory Chasing small TESS planets with the MAROON-X spectrograph Video
2:50 PM  

Poster FLASH Talks: Parisi, Jofré, Ferrero, Hartman, Marois, Lim, Lee, Salinas

3:05 PM 3:25 PM Break/Posters
3:25 PM 3:50 PM Stephen Gwyn Canadian Astronomy Data Centre / NRC DRAGONS, NIFS and NIRI processing at the CADC Video
3:50 PM 4:15 PM Kathleen Labrie Gemini/NOIRLab DRAGONS Data Reduction Video
4:15 PM 5:00 PM Bryan Miller Gemini/NOIRLab Gemini Program Platform demo/testing - SIGN UP RECOMMENDED Video

Day 2

Wednesday, July 27

8:00 AM 8:30 AM Speaker Slide Testing
BLACK HOLES, AGN, QUASARS I Chair: Hyewon Suh (Gemini/NOIRLab)
Virtual Chair: Julia Scharwachter (Gemini/NOIRLab)
9:00 AM 9:20 AM Alex Tetarenko Texas Tech University Optical Fast Timing Observations of X-ray Binaries with Gemini's `Alopeke and Zorro Video
9:20 AM 9:45 AM Xiaohui Fan U Arizona Quasars and the intergalactic medium at cosmic dawn Video
9:45 AM 10:05 AM Suhyun Shin Seoul National University The quasar luminosity function at z~5 improved by artificial neural network and Bayesian information criterion Video
10:05 AM 10:25 AM Yongjung Kim Kyungpook National University Searching for High-z Faint Quasars with IMS Video
10:25 AM 10:40 AM Poster FLASH Talks: Chiboucas, Cooper, Ocran, Suh, Rodríguez-Ardila, Choi, Kim, Khatu, Leighly, Tang, Reynaldi, Reynaldi
10:40 AM 11:10 AM Break/Posters
Virtual Chair: Ricardo Salinas (Gemini/NOIRLab)
11:10 AM 11:30 AM Chris Hayes NRC Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics First results from the science commissioning of the Gemini High Resolution Optical Spectrograph Video
11:30 AM 11:55 AM Kim Venn University of Victoria Metal Poor Stars Video
11:55 AM 12:15 PM Vinicius Placco CSDC/NOIRLab Making good use of bad weather: a chemically pristine star found through the clouds with Gemini Video
12:15 PM 12:35 PM Federico Sestito University of Victoria Unveiling the formation and evolution of the Milky Way with the most metal-poor stars in the bulge and in the disk Video
12:35 PM 1:05 PM Speaker Slide Testing
12:35 PM 1:55 PM Lunch Chair: María Celeste Parisi (Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba)
Virtual Chair: Ricardo Salinas (Gemini/NOIRLab)
1:55 PM 2:20 PM Denise R. Gonçalves Valongo Observatory - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Innovating the Hunter Techniques: The RAMSES II - RAMan Search for Extragalactic Symbiotic Stars Video
2:20 PM 2:40 PM Sung-Yong Yoon KASI The IGRINS Survey of YSOs Video
2:40 PM 3:05 PM Bruno Dias Universidad de Tarapacá The Magellanic Clouds history told by their star clusters Video
3:05 PM 3:20 PM Conference Photo
3:20 PM 3:35 PM Break/Posters Chair: Jennifer Burt (JPL)
3:35 PM 4:00 PM Megan Mansfield U Arizona Spectroscopic Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets at High Resolution Video
4:00 PM 4:25 PM Jake Turner Cornell ExoGemS Survey: Exploring the diversity of exoplanet atmospheres at high spectral resolution with Gemini GRACES Video
4:25 PM 5:10 PM Jocelyn Ferrara Gemini/NOIRLab The Gem in We: Inclusivity Strategy Workshop Video

Day 3

Thursday, July 28

8:00 AM 8:30 AM Speaker Slide Testing
Virtual Chair: Clara Martinez-Vazquez (Gemini/NOIRLab)
9:00 AM 9:20 AM Monika Soraisam Gemini/NOIRLab A panoramic view of the time-domain landscape at NOIRLab Video
9:20 AM 9:40 AM Jillian Rastinejad CIERA, Northwestern University Exploring the Diversity of Short GRB Counterparts with the Gemini Observatory Video
9:40 AM 10:00 AM Samaporn Tinyanont University of California Santa Cruz A Local Analog of the Death of First Stars? SN 2020wnt: A Supernova That Defies All Models (Even Magnetars!) Video
10:00 AM 10:25 AM Mansi Kasliwal Caltech GROWTH Video
10:25 AM 10:40 AM Poster FLASH Talks: Gu, Nugent, Ordenes Briceño, Parisi, Seok, Garro, Martinez-Vazquez, Miller, Aliste Castillo, Rawlings, Reynaldi, Fuentes
10:40 AM 11:10 AM Break/Posters Chair: Monika Soraisam (Gemini/NOIRLab)
Virtual Chair: Clara Martinez-Vazquez (Gemini/NOIRLab)
11:10 AM 11:30 AM Massimo Robberto STScI future instrumentation: SCORPIO Video
11:30 AM 11:50 AM Anna Ho UC Berkeley Finding Relativistic Stellar Explosions as Fast Optical Transients Video
11:50 AM 12:10 PM Gregory S.H. Paek Seoul National University GECKO: Follow-up observation of GW190425 and identification of kilonova with Gemini spectroscopy Video
12:10 PM 12:30 PM Bryan Miller Gemini/NOIRLab Next Generation TDA at Gemini: AEON, TOMs, GPP Video
12:30 PM 1:00 PM Speaker Slide Testing
12:30 PM 2:00 PM Lunch
GEMINI AO Present and Future Chair: Pat McCarthy (NOIRLab)
Virtual Chair: Zachary Hartman (Gemini/NOIRLab)
2:00 PM 2:25 PM Stefan Gillessen Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, DE The mass distribution in the Galactic Centre from interferometric astrometry of multiple stellar orbits Video
2:25 PM 2:45 PM Gaetano Sivo Gemini/NOIRLab Gemini North Adaptive Optics: Science overview and status updates Video
2:45 PM 3:05 PM Suresh Sivanandam U Toronto Gemini Infrared Multi-Object Spectrograph (GIRMOS) Overview Video
3:05 PM 3:25 PM Paul Hirst Gemini/NOIRLab GLAO Feasibility Video
3:25 PM 3:45 PM Poster FLASH Talks: Escudero, Gassis, Kim, Haro Moya, Ghodsi Yengejeh, Carrasco, Yoo, Jun, Lee, Roberson, Navarre, Roediger
3:45 PM 4:15 PM Break/Posters
4:15 PM 5:00 PM Bryan Miller Gemini/NOIRLab Gemini Program Platform demo/testing - SIGN UP RECOMMENDED Video
PUBLIC EVENT 2:00 7:00 PM 9:00 PM O Chul Kwon The Magic of Astrophotography and Astronomy at Gemini Observatory Video

Day 4

Friday, July 29

8:00 AM 8:30 AM Speaker Slide Testing
Virtual Chair: Clara Martinez-Vazquez (Gemini/NOIRLab)
9:00 AM 9:25 AM Favio Faifer Universidad Nacional de La Plata Globular Clusters in Early type galaxies, Video
9:25 AM 9:45 AM Ignacio Gargiulo Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata Unveiling the origin of the bulge of M81 with spectroscopic observations and the TNG50 simulation Video
9:45 AM 10:05 AM Venu Kalari Gemini/NOIRLab Births and deaths of stars in the Magellanic Clouds with Zorro Video
10:05 AM 10:25 AM Keunho Kim University of Cincinnati Phase Space Since z ~ 1: A Kinematic View of Environmental Dependence of Star Formation from SPT clusters Using the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph Video
10:25 AM 10:50 AM Break/Posters
BLACK HOLES, AGN, QUASARS II Chair: Jong-Hak Woo (Seoul National University)
Virtual Chair: Hyewon Suh (Gemini/NOIRLab)
10:50 AM 11:10 AM Xin Liu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign VODKA: Varstrometry for Off-nucleus and Dual (sub)Kpc Active Galactic Nuclei Video
11:10 AM 11:35 AM Jonelle Walsh Texas A&M The Supermassive Black Hole - Galaxy Connection Video
11:35 AM 11:55 AM Julia Scharwaechter Gemini/NOIRLab Multi-phase view on AGN feedback in the Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS) Video
11:55 AM 12:20 PM Chung-Pei Ma UC Berkeley The MASSIVE Survey: a GMOS IFU study of the most massive galaxies and black holes in the local universe Video
12:20 PM 12:50 PM Speaker Slide Testing
12:20 PM 1:30 PM Lunch
GALAXY EVOLUTION & GALAXY CLUSTERS Chair: Suresh Sivanandam (U Toronto)
Virtual Chair: Julia Scharwaechter (Gemini/NOIRLab)
1:30 PM 1:55 PM Gillian Wilson UC Riverside The Gemini CLuster Astrophysics Spectroscopic Survey (GCLASS) Video
1:55 PM 2:20 PM Myungkook James Jee Yonsei University Probing dark matter of galaxy clusters at z>1 with Gemini GMOS spectroscopic and HST/WFC3 IR imaging data Video
2:20 PM 2:40 PM Scott Chapman Dalhousie University Gemini followup of massive z>4 protoclusters from the South Pole Telescope survey Video
2:40 PM 3:00 PM Matthew Bayliss University of Cincinnati A Decade of Strong Lensing Cluster Science With Gemini Video
3:00 PM 3:30 PM Jen Lotz + Pat McCarthy Gemini/NOIRLab Conference Reflections & Future of Gemini Panel Discussion Video
3:30 PM 4:00 PM Final Refreshments/Poster Clean-up Video

Poster Presentation Summary List

Poster Title PDF Author Affiliation Virtual Posterl
Characterizing Strongly Lensed Lyman-Alpha Emitting Galaxies at z > 4 Link A. Navarre University of Cincinnati  
BRIGHT: An Exploration of the Environments of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts and their Connection to Neutron Star Mergers Link A. Nugent Northwestern University, CIERA  
The continuum and broad line emission gas in Active Galactic Nuclei with moderate to strong FeII emission Link A. Rodriguez Ardila Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica x
Probing ALTAIR’s Limits on Extended Objects Link B. Cooper NOIRLab/Gemini  
Unraveling the complex structure of AGN-driven outflows: GMOS IFU studies on type 1 AGNs with strong gas outflows Link C. Kim Seoul National University  
Detecting Fainter and Closer in Exoplanets with the Gemini Planet Imager CAL2 Focal Plane Wavefront Sensing System. Link C. Marois National Research Council of Canada x
A deeper look into main-sequence and blue straggler stellar pulsators in extragalactic systems Link C. Martinez-Vazquez Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab  
Chemical evolution in the Main Body of the Small Magellanic Cloud Link C. Parisi IATE - OAC  
Dependence analysis of the CaT callibrations with the magnitude Link C. Parisi IATE-OAC  
IGRINS high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy for stars toward the Galactic bulge Link D. Lim Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg  
Unveiling chemical signatures of planet formation in the WASP-160 binary system with Gemini-GRACES Link E. Jofré Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba / CONICET - Argentina x
Star Formation History of Mass Selected Galaxies at 0.1<z<1.6 of the ELAIS N1 Link E. Ocran Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute x
IGRINS/Gemini-S view of the newly discovered bulge globular clusters VVV-CL160, Patchick 126 and Patchick 99 Link E.R. Garro Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB)  
Hα emission in the late-time spectrum of Type Ia Supernovae: a clue for the progenitor system? Link G. Lim Seoul National University  
Reverberation mapping study of the intermediate-mass AGN in NGC 4395 Link H. Cho Seoul National University  
Galaxy environments of extremely massive quasars Link H. Jun Seoul National University x
Supermassive black holes in dwarf galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation history Link H. Suh NOIRLab/Gemini  
Image Quality at Gemini South Observatory Link J. Fuentes NOIRLab/Gemini  
Broad Absorption Line Quasar Outflows Across Cosmic Time Link J. H. Choi University of Oklahoma  
A GMOS/IFU Study on Star Formation Activity of Jellyfish Galaxies in Massive Clusters Link J. H. Lee Seoul National University  
The Gemini North Infrared Detector Controller Upgrade Project Link J. Miller NOIRLab/Gemini  
Probing cosmic dawn with wide-range galaxy SED modeling Link J. Roberson University of Cincinnati  
Unravelling the History of Dwarf Galaxy Evolution in the Virgo Cluster Link J. Roediger NRC Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Centre x
Intracluster Light Properties in a Fossil Cluster at z=0.47 Link J. Yoo KASI/UST  
Circumstellar knots in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant:- Analysis of knots with Halpha and Hbeta emission Link J.Y. Seok Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute  
The FastTurnaround Program at Gemini Link K. Chiboucas Gemini/NOIRLab
Spectral Synthesis Analysis of Broad Absorption Line Quasars Link K. Leighly University of Oklahoma  
The Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect in Interacting Dark Matter-Dark Energy Models Link M. Ghodsi Yengejeh PDAT Laboratory, K.N. Toosi University of Technology  
Study of Environmental Dependence with Galaxy Properties in Large Scale Structures of SA22 Field Link M. Hyun Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute (KASI) x
Chemodynamical Properties of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars Observed with Gemini/GRACE Link M. Jeong Chungnam National University  
Towards a Polarimetry Observing Mode for Gemini North Link M. Rawlings Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab  
Studying the star formation history of the dwarf galaxy CGCG014-074 Link N. Guevara presented by C. Escudero Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas - UNLP - Argentina x
GMOS - S optical spectroscopy of LMC SNRs to reveal the [P II] knot origins Link R. Aliste Castillo Seoul National University x
Cultural Astronomy in Northern Chile Link R. Angeloni NOIRLAB/Gemini x
SCORPIO: a new facility instrument for Gemini South Link R. Angeloni NOIRLAB/Gemini x
RamSES II's view of the Fornax dSph galaxy Link R. Angeloni NOIRLAB/Gemini x
The Strong-lensing Galaxy Cluster MS 0440.5+0204 - The Mass Density Profile and Cluster Dynamics Link R. Carrasco Gemini Observatory/NFS's NOIRLab  
Utilizing Strong Galaxy Clusters as an Observational Test of 𝚲CDM Predictions Link R. Gassis University of Cincinnati  
Finding the elusive RR Lyrae companions Link R. Salinas NOIRLab/Gemini  
The NOIRLAB-ULS-OPCC Research Group on ALAN. A First Spectro-photometric Characterization of the Chilean Sky Link R.Angeloni NOIRLab/Gemini x
Hyperluminous Dust-Obscured Galaxies Hosting SMBH at z~2 Link S. Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute / University of Science and Technology  
An insight of SMBH-host galaxy coevolution through dual quasar systems Link S. Tang   x
Tracing Gas Flows in a Highly Accreting Active Galactic Nucleus, Markarian 142 Link V. Khatu The University of Western Ontario x
Resolving the Extended Emission of H_2 on M58 Link V. Reynaldi Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas - UNLP - Argentina  
Multiwavelength analysis of the first Radio Weak BL Lac Link V. Reynaldi Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas - UNLP - Argentina  
Clues on the stellar content of early-type, disturbed galaxies: the case of NGC 4382 Link V. Reynaldi Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas - UNLP - Argentina  
IGRINS/Gemini-S Anatomy of VVV CL001: An atypical bulge globular cluster Link W.A. Haro Moya Universidad Católica del Norte x
The NGFS census of Baryonic Structures, their Formation and Assembly in a nearby Cluster Environment. Link Y. Ordenes Briceño Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Institute of Astrophysics  
Examining the Multiplicity of Halo Stars within 100 Parsecs with Gemini Link Z.Hartman Gemini North Observatory  


Abstract Booklet 

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