Filter Information

Plots and data included with most lists.

Instructions for Fast Beam Simulations

Glass Filter Spectral Transmission Curves from Schott Catalog (reproduced with permission from Schott Glass Technologies, Inc.)

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NOIRLab Filter Database

Filter FWHM (Å) CWL (Å) Telescope Instrument Plot Data Comments
EO_716 515.00 7159.00 Gemini North ALOPEKE EO_716 EO_716 not convolved with dichroic
EO_716 515.00 7159.00 Gemini South ZORRO EO_716 EO_716 not convolved with dichroic
EO_832 403.00 8320.00 Gemini North ALOPEKE EO_832 EO_832 not convolved with dichroic
EO_832 403.00 8320.00 Gemini South ZORRO EO_832 EO_832 not convolved with dichroic
FEII 270.00 16440.00 Gemini North NIRI FEII FEII
FeII_G1118 258.00 16440.00 Gemini South GSAOI FeII_G1118 FeII_G1118
g Gunn-T 900.00 5118.00 WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope Hydra g Gunn-T g Gunn-T SIZE: 3x3-05.05mm.
g Gunn-T 900.00 5118.00 WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope Hydra g Gunn-T g Gunn-T SIZE: 3x3-05.05mm.
g Gunn-T 5118/900 900.00 5118.00 SMARTS Consortium: 0.9-meter Telescope BLANK g Gunn-T 5118/900 g Gunn-T 5118/900 Size: 3x3 Thick: 5.05
g SDSS c6017 1537.00 4813.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic g SDSS c6017 g SDSS c6017 Note: The central wavelength of CTIO Mosaic narrow band filters (actually all filters, but is very significant for narrow band filters) is shifted ~15A to the BLUE in the f/2.87 beam of the Blanco 4m + PFADC corrector as compared to the transmission measured in parallel light. The central wavelength quoted below is nominally for when the filter is used at PF, with the ~15A shift included. Furthermore, the filter transmission curve presented below shows the simulated filter transmission curve for the Blanco 4m + PFADC f/2.87 beam.
g SDSS k1017 1395.73 4750.58 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic g SDSS k1017 g SDSS k1017 Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer.
g_G0301 1547.00 4750.00 Gemini North GMOS-N g_G0301 g_G0301
g_G0325 1547.00 4750.00 Gemini South GMOS-S g_G0325 g_G0325
gd DECam k1035 *** New! 1524.00 4744.90 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic gd DECam k1035 *** New! gd DECam k1035 *** New! Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer.
GG-375 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-375 GG-375 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-375 0.00 0.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope RC Spectrograph GG-375 GG-375 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-385 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-385 GG-385 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-385 3850.00 SOAR Telescope Goodman Goodman Spectrograph circular 4 inch diameter filters - Cutoff wavelength: < 385
GG-385 0.00 0.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope RC Spectrograph GG-385 GG-385 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-400 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-400 GG-400 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-400b 0.00 0.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope RC Spectrograph GG-400b GG-400b Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-420 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-420 GG-420 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-420 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-420 GG-420 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-420 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-420 GG-420 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-420 0.00 0.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope RC Spectrograph GG-420 GG-420 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-455 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-455 GG-455 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-455 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-455 GG-455 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-455 4550.00 SOAR Telescope Goodman Goodman Spectrograph circular 4 inch diameter filters - Cutoff wavelength: < 455
GG-455 0.00 0.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope RC Spectrograph GG-455 GG-455 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-475 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-475 GG-475 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-475 0.00 0.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope RC Spectrograph GG-475 GG-475 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-495 0.00 0.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope GoldCam GG-495 GG-495 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG-495 4950.00 SOAR Telescope Goodman Goodman Spectrograph circular 4 inch diameter filters - Cutoff wavelength: < 495
GG-495 0.00 0.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope RC Spectrograph GG-495 GG-495 Sharp-Cut Filter. Cutoff filter: no transmission peak, FWHM is undefined.
GG385 994.00 4363.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters GG385 GG385 2mm + BG12 2mm
GG385 BLANK Hydra, Hydra Schott Glass GG385 Schott Glass Filters. Purpose: Longpass > ~385nm Thickness: 2mm
GG395 0.00 4005.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope KOSMOS GG395 GG395 KOSMOS dedicated blocker
GG420 BLANK Hydra, Hydra Schott Glass GG420 Schott Glass Filters. Purpose: Longpass > ~420nm Thickness: 2mm
GG455 BLANK Hydra, Hydra Schott Glass GG455 Schott Glass Filters. Purpose: Longpass > ~455nm Thickness: 2mm
GG455 0.00 4565.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope KOSMOS GG455 GG455 KOSMOS dedicated blocker
GG455_G0305 0.00 0.00 Gemini North GMOS-N GG455_G0305 GG455_G0305
GG455_G0329 0.00 0.00 Gemini South GMOS-S GG455_G0329 GG455_G0329
GG495 BLANK Hydra, Hydra Schott Glass GG495 Schott Glass Filters. Purpose: Longpass > ~495nm Thickness: 2mm
GG495 0.00 4950.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope KOSMOS GG495 GG495 KOSMOS dedicated blocker
GG530 0.00 5225.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope KOSMOS GG530 GG530 KOSMOS dedicated blocker
Gn Steidel k1042 762.13 4819.66 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic Gn Steidel k1042 Gn Steidel k1042 Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer.
Gunn g 670.00 4920.00 WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope Hydra SIZE: 4x4-8.95mm.
Gunn g 706.00 4961.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters Gunn g Gunn g
Gunn g 670.00 4920.00 WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope Hydra SIZE: 4x4-8.95mm.
Gunn g 4940/700 670.00 4920.00 SMARTS Consortium: 0.9-meter Telescope BLANK Size: 4x4 Thick: 8.95

Updated on June 27, 2022, 11:32 am