sci23040 — Announcement

Update for Science Community after Cyber Incident

September 5, 2023

Update as of 29 September 2023
Gemini North and Gemini South telescopes are now back on sky and are currently collecting science data. Restoration of remote access for external astronomers is ongoing, and we anticipate that it will be restored over the coming weeks. This concludes the updates of this incident.

Update as of 5 September 2023
The recovery process of the affected facilities and telescopes is ongoing. As part of that process, we have now brought the website back online. We have also posted updates about the NOIRLab and Gemini Calls for Proposals on the NOIRLab Science Site and

Update as of 24 August 2023

An update about the cybersecurity incident at NSF NOIRLab was released on the Public website.

Update as of 8 August 2023

Below is an operational update for users of the International Gemini Observatory and the Mid-Scale Observatories.

On the morning of 1 August 2023 NSF NOIRLab detected a cyberincident in its computer systems, forcing the suspension of astronomical observations at Gemini North in Hawai‘i. We decided to isolate the Gemini Observatory computer systems by shutting them down. The Gemini North telescope was safely stowed in its zenith-pointing position, and the Gemini South telescope was in a planned shutdown for engineering work. 

Gemini Telescope Status

Both Gemini North and Gemini South telescopes are offline while an investigation is underway; this may take some time. We will share additional updates as the situation evolves. 

Gemini Call for Proposal Status

  • We are not accepting Director's Discretionary time proposals at this time.
  • The Fast Turnaround call for proposals this month will be canceled. The review of the Fast Turnaround proposals received in the last call will be delayed.
  • Please stay tuned for additional updates on the GHOST 23B Shared Risk Call for Proposals and the 24A Call for Proposals. 

Gemini User Support Status

The Gemini website (, helpdesk and user support tools are offline for now. However, the National Gemini Offices are still available for support, including the National Gemini Offices of the United States, Canada, Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Korea.

Mid-Scale Observatories Status

As a precaution we have also disconnected the Mid-Scale Observatories (MSO) network on Cerro Tololo and at SOAR. This means that remote observations at the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope and SOAR Telescope are unavailable. As a temporary workaround, observations are being carried out by on-site staff in service mode; affected observers will be contacted individually. AEON queue observing at SOAR continues with modifications; queue users have been contacted.

This issue has also affected those tenant facilities on Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachón who operate remotely. MSO staff on site helped to put these facilities into a safe state following the disconnection.

Please look for continuing updates relevant to the astronomy community on the NOIRLab Science website, the Gemini eNewsletter, and on NOIRLab Science and Gemini social media.

About the Announcement
