sci23039 — Announcement

Windows on the Universe: Establishing the Infrastructure for a Collaborative Multi-messenger Ecosystem

July 18, 2023

NSF’s NOIRLab, in partnership with NSF and NASA, is happy to announce the workshop Windows on the Universe: Establishing the Infrastructure for a Collaborative Multi-messenger Ecosystem. This workshop will be hosted at the Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort & Spa in Tucson, Arizona, on 16–18 October 2023.

The goals of this workshop are to identify pathways that increase the coordination of Multi-messenger Astronomy (MMA) observation campaigns and reduce operational redundancy across the network of ground- and space-based observatories. We invite the community to review the current state of resources for MMA, report on existing collaborations and partnerships, and identify potential obstacles to success. More details can be found on the workshop webpage

The meeting will be in person with a maximum of 90 participants. Virtual participation will also be supported. Registration for the workshop is free (link here). We encourage in-person contributed talks but expect to be able to support a small number of virtual talks. The deadline for in-person registration and contributed talk abstract submission is 1 September 2023

A list of invited speakers is being assembled at the moment and will be advertised with the second announcement.

Prior to this workshop, we would also like to solicit science and infrastructure ideas from the community. These papers (one page limit) can review the current state of follow-up resources, report on existing collaborations and partnerships, identify potential obstacles to success, and/or make recommendations to address the workshop goals. Further instructions can be found at this link. The deadline for submission is 8 September 2023. We encourage the authors to also post those to the arXiv.

Finally, the main outcome of this workshop will be a community-driven white paper to guide planning by NSF, NASA, and NOIRLab to facilitate infrastructure for a collaborative MMA ecosystem.

Hope to see many of you in October!


The Science Organizing Committee (SOC):

Jennifer Andrews (Gemini/NSF’s NOIRLab, Co-Chair)
Ryan Lau (NSF’s NOIRLab, Co-Chair)
Monika Soraisam (Gemini/NSF’s NOIRLab, Co-Chair)
Patrick Brady (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Brad Cenko (NASA/GSFC)
Alessandra Corsi (Texas Tech University)
Adam Goldstein (USRA/STI)
Armin Rest (STScI)
Jessie Runnoe (Vanderbilt University)
Hugo A. Ayala Solares (Penn State)
David Sand (University of Arizona/Steward Observatory)
Rachel Street (LCO)

and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) from NOIRLab:

David Jones (Co-Chair)
Yuanyuan Zhang (Co-Chair)
Jessica Harris
Clara Martínez-Vázquez
Tom Matheson
Bryan Miller
Jayadev Rajagopal

About the Announcement
