sci18057 — Announcement

Inspiring Exploration on Both Hemispheres

March 20, 2018

Jocelyn Ferrera (left, edge), Assistant Science Operation Specialist at Gemini North, and Matthew Taylor, Science Fellow at Gemini North, help students use their bodies to construct constellations and illustrate how perspective changes the appearance of star groups on Earth.

For the first week of March Gemini North’s flagship outreach program Journey Through the Universe celebrated its 14th consecutive year of exploration on Hawaii’s Big Island. Then, in Chile, a week later, AstroDay Chile brought the excitement of astronomical discovery to Gemini’s friends and neighbors in the La Serena area. These events engaged thousands of students and the public in classroom visits, career panels, public displays, stargazing and much more!



About the Announcement




Jocelyn Ferrera (left, edge), Assistant Science Operation Specialist at Gemini North, and Matthew Taylor, Science Fellow at Gemini North, help students use their bodies to construct constellations and illustrate how perspective changes the appearance of star groups on Earth.


Gemini South Senior Software Engineer, Eduardo Toro, shares an activity on robotics with Chilean students as part of AstroDay Chile.