sci17098 — Announcement

Gemini Akamai Interns Present at Symposium

August 9, 2017

Dallas Tada, Elton Nakagawa, and Heather Situ (left to right) present summaries of their work at Gemini as Akamai interns.

Gemini North hosted three Akamai Workforce Initiative (Akamai) interns this summer. The interns, Elton Nakagawa, Heather Situ, and Dallas Tada, worked with mentors Chris Stark, Chas Cavedoni, and André-Nicolas Chené, respectively. Elton developed a Mobile Device Management solution to securely manage the iOS devices located in each of the Zoom video conferencing rooms, Heather designed a holder for anodized aluminum spectroscopy slit masks, and Dallas created a public database of star clusters from the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey. Dallas will continue working with André-Nicolas this fall in order to maintain and improve the database. The student’s seven-week internship culminated in a symposium at Subaru Telescope, where the Hilo cohort of Akamai interns presented summaries of their projects. We wish our interns the best in all of their future endeavors!


About the Announcement




Dallas Tada, Elton Nakagawa, and Heather Situ (left to right) present summaries of their work at Gemini as Akamai interns.