sci17080 — Announcement

DSSI Revists Gemini South

June 14, 2017

Observing with DSSI, from the Base Facility in La Serena. Bottom to top: Manuel Gomez, Nic Scott, Mark Everett, Nahir Muñoz, Joy Chavez.
DSSI, the suitcase-sized dual-channel speckle imager, returned to Gemini South for another mid-winter observing run in June (their last visit having been in June 2016). For 2017A, the TACs had approved a set of five programs, totaling 70 hours on sky. The nine-night visiting block in early June was somewhat affected by clouds and some nights of poor seeing, but by the end of it the team had obtained a good amount of data on most of the programs, observing upwards of 100 targets on some nights. Science topics ranged from K2 follow-up validation of exoplanet candidates, to a search for wide-binary companions of exoplanet host stars, to a study of angular momentum in triple-star systems.



About the Announcement




Observing with DSSI, from the Base Facility in La Serena. Bottom to top: Manuel Gomez, Nic Scott, Mark Everett, Nahir Muñoz, Joy Chavez.


DSSI PI Steve Howell (right) with Mark Everett (center) and Jen Winters (left) perform daytime checks at Gemini South.