sci17072 — Announcement

Dr. Laura Ferrarese Appointed Gemini Interim Director

June 14, 2017

Dr. Laura Ferrarese

On July 1, 2017, Dr. Laura Ferrarese begins a one-year term as Interim Director of the Gemini Observatory. Ferrarese is currently a Principal Research Officer at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and an Adjunct Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Victoria.

"I could only imagine taking this one-year leave from my current positions because I believe so strongly in the Gemini Observatory," said Ferrarese. "As Chair of AURA's Oversight Council for Gemini (AOC-G) for the past three years, I have had the privilege to watch Gemini flourish under Dr. Kissler-Patig's leadership. I'm looking forward to building on the remarkable position that Gemini holds amongst astronomical research facilities, on its unique capabilities, and on its innovative observing modes."

About the Announcement




Dr. Laura Ferrarese