sci17047 — Announcement

Gemini “On Tour” – Past and Future Conferences – January 2017

January 18, 2017

The Gemini booth at the January 2017 AAS meeting in Grapevine Texas. Here, Alison Peck (right) shares information on observing modes, while André-Nicolas Chené (left) answers a user’s questions.

Past: Gemini staff were pleased to meet, greet, and work with with many of our users at the recent AAS meeting in Grapevine, Texas. The Gemini booth, which was part of a larger NSF/AURA exhibit area, hosted multiple one-on-one sessions on data reduction, surveys of web interactions, and sharing of Gemini’s variety of innovative, flexible, and efficient modes of proposing and observing.

Future: From January 23-26 over a half-dozen staff from Gemini are scheduled to participate in the Chilean SOCHIAS (Sociedad Chilena de Astronomía) meeting at the Marbella Resort in Maitencillo, Chile. Gemini staff are looking forward to meeting with many of our Chilean users, so look for our booth and come pick up materials or bring us your questions, suggestions or just come chat!


About the Announcement




The Gemini booth at the January 2017 AAS meeting in Grapevine Texas. Here, Alison Peck (right) shares information on observing modes, while André-Nicolas Chené (left) answers a user’s questions.