sci16065 — Announcement

Gemini North Staff Participate in Women’s Leadership Forum

September 14, 2016

Gemini staff; Sabrina Pakzad, Angleic Ebbers, and Beverley Lidyoff (left to right) enjoy a moment during the Women’s Leadership Forum recently attended by seven female employees from Gemini North.

Gemini Observatory is committed to gender equity in our workforce, supporting opportunities for staff development and effectively supporting our scientific mission. On August 26th, several female staff members representative of a broad spectrum of departments attended the 2nd Annual Hawai’i Island Women’s Leadership Forum held in Waikoloa. They joined more than 300 other women for an event filled day focused on tools for excellence in self, relationships, career and community. The event kicked off and ended with a dynamic and inspiring keynote speaker followed by four workshops featuring an array of topics to select from such as Power of Health-Power of You, Conscious Communication: How to Engage in Thoughtful Expression and Active Listening. Improve Your Leadership, Uncover your Why to Business, Life and Yourself and even a scientific workshop Go Beyond the Stars: Women in Science and Engineering. Gemini also participated in the vendor exhibit with a booth promoting educational and career opportunities in astronomy. Those in attendance are in consensus to the enriched and rewarding experience both personally and professionally and are highly appreciative of Gemini’s commitment to diversity in the workplace.


About the Announcement




Gemini staff; Sabrina Pakzad, Angleic Ebbers, and Beverley Lidyoff (left to right) enjoy a moment during the Women’s Leadership Forum recently attended by seven female employees from Gemini North.