sci16017 — Announcement

The Thirty Meter Telescope Open House

November 30, 2016

Artist’s rendition of the Thirty Meter Telescope


Friday 6 January 2017, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Yellow Rose Ballroom

The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will make transformational contributions to most areas of astronomy and astrophysics, from the solar system to cosmology. It will have an order of magnitude more collecting area than today’s largest optical/infrared telescopes, and nearly 5 times better angular resolution than the James Webb Space Telescope at similar infrared wavelengths.

Presentations at this year’s TMT Open House will report on the status of the observatory, the permitting process in Hawaii, and the selection of the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma in the Canary Islands, Spain, as the primary alternative TMT site. There will be updates on the continued development of the observatory and its instrumentation, planning for future-generation instruments, and ongoing activities in education, workforce development, and public outreach.

As part of a cooperative agreement between NSF-AST and TMT, the US TMT Science Working Group, organized by NOAO, has worked with TMT to develop a model for possible US national participation in the observatory. This plan describes the scientific, technological, educational, and programmatic benefits of TMT participation for the US community, and considers choices that would maximize those benefits. The Open House will highlight the continuing role of the US astronomical community in planning the observatory and its future scientific programs. Complimentary refreshments will be provided.

About the Announcement




Artist’s rendition of the Thirty Meter Telescope