sci07001 — Announcement

Mauna Kea Observatories Earthquake Workshop

March 27, 2007

March 23, 2007

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  1. Introduction - Doug Simons
  2. CHFT 
    1. CFHT as a seismometer - Derrick Salmon
  3. Gemini 
    1. Gemini Seismic Hazard Analysis, Seismic Design and Safety Restraint Features - Mike Sheehan
    2. Gemini Initial Response - Steve Hardash
    3. Earthquake Recovery Planning and Execution - Rolando Rogers
    4. Telescope Bearings Issues - Chas Cavedoni
    5. M2 Reference Sensor Failure and Recovery - Chris Carter
    6. Ongoing Work to Prepare for Future Earthquakes - Steve Hardash
  4. UH 2.2m  
    1. An Overview of the Damage to the UH88 Telescope and Subsequent Operational Consequences - Colin Aspin
  5. CSO 
    1. The CSO earthquake response and recovery - Richard Chamberlin
  6. SMA 
    1. The Impact of the Oct 17 2006 Earthquake on SMA Operations - Glen Petitpa
  7. Keck 
    1. Team Introductions and Presentation Overview (includes overall recovery strategy and timeline, return to science requirements, and overall cost of recovery) - Hilton Lewis
    2. Photo narrative of HQ facility damage and recovery (includes overall safety precautions and protocol during recovery) - Steve Shimko
    3. Photo narrative of summit structural, electronics, optics and control system damage and recovery - Rich Matsuda
    4. Photo narrative of summit instrumentation damage and recovery, and observing logistics - Grant Hill
    5. Current recovery status, remaining challenges and next steps, and conclusions of post-quake recovery survey - Hilton Lewis
  8. Subaru Telescope 
    1. Telescope/Enclosure etc. - Daigo Tomono
    2. HDS - Akito Tajitsu
    3. A micro-crack alert system for large mirror - Masanori Iye
  9. UKIRT and JCMT  
    1. By Luck or Design - Simon Craig
  10. All Observatories - Subaru-Tetsuo Nishimura; Keck-Hilton Lewis; Gemini-Mike Sheehan; CFHT-Drrick Salmon; UKIRT & JCMT-Simon Craig; UH 2.2m-Colin Aspin; CSO-Richard Chamberlain; SMA-Glen Petitpa 
    1. Round table discussion
    2. Availability of inter-observatory engineering resources to perform quake or emergency preparedness infrastructure upgrades common to MKO facilities.
    3. Technical aspects of earthquake damage
    4. Why did the big telescopes sustain more damage?
    5. Management response to earthquake
    6. Summit-wide preparation for future earthquakes
    7. Staff sharing

About the Announcement
