sci24047 — Announcement

Save the Date! 2025A Call for Proposals

August 5, 2024

The 2025A Gemini Observatory Call for Proposals will be released on 29 August 2024, with a submission deadline of late September/early October 2024, depending on the partner. We project that Gemini North and Gemini South will have 164 and 154 nights available for science respectively. In Cycle 2025A it will be possible to observe for the first time with the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph 2 (IGRINS-2). During this Cycle, IGRINS-2 will be offered in shared risks. Detailed information about the Call for Proposals will be posted on the Standard Semester Applications webpage. The Standard Semester Application page also includes links to the policies for the various international partners.

About the Announcement
