sci24035 — Announcement

From Galileo’s 2-inch telescope to Gemini’s twin 8.1-meter mirrors — Gemini at EAS 2024 in Padova

June 13, 2024

Gemini Observatory staff will attend the European Astronomical Society (EAS) Annual Meeting from 1–5 July 2024 in Padova (Italy). In the town where Galileo Galilei first explored the skies using a telescope, Gemini will be present as an exhibitor. The dedicated booth will provide an opportunity for attendees to engage directly with staff, discuss the latest instrument developments, and learn about support for ongoing and future observing programs. This event is a prime opportunity for the global astronomical community to explore Gemini’s cutting-edge capabilities and discover how recent advances can enhance their research efforts. We hope to see you there!

About the Announcement
