Science Announcements

Preliminary Program for the First Virtual Gemini Science Meeting (23–26 August 2021)

30 July 2021

It is now T minus 4 weeks until the Virtual Gemini Science Meeting (GSM). We are excited to see the high level of interest

Gemini North Recovers from a Power Outage and an Earthquake

30 July 2021

Gemini North is recovering from some significant downtime caused by a problem with the secondary mirror control system which was exacerbated by an earthquake. 

Gemini Observatory COVID-19 Update

30 July 2021

After a rocky month during which more than 200 new cases of COVID-19 occurred at correctional facilities in Hilo, numbers in early July appeared

Community Engagement with Rubin Observatory Commissioning

30 July 2021

Members of the US and Chilean science communities are invited to work jointly with the Rubin Observatory Commissioning Team in contributing to an efficient and successful transition to Operations.

WIYN’s NEID Begins its Mission of Exoplanet Discovery

30 July 2021

A new tool for the discovery of planets beyond the Solar System, NEID has begun its science mission at the WIYN 3.5m Telescope at KPNO. NEID will also acquire extensive spectra of the Sun that will be made public immediately.

Rubin Observatory Project & Community Workshop

30 July 2021

The 2021 Workshop will be held virtually 9-13 August 2021. Registration is now open, and there is no registration fee.

SOAR Calibration Wavefront Sensor Upgrade

30 July 2021

The recent upgrade to the SOAR telescope Calibration Wavefront Sensor system has extended the lifetime of this critical component. New CCD cameras, optics, and an updated version of the software control system were installed.

Press Release — Astronomers Uncover Briefest Supernova-Powered Gamma-Ray Burst

26 July 2021

Astronomers have discovered the shortest-ever gamma-ray burst (GRB) caused by the implosion of a massive star. Using the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of