Science Announcements

Observing databases offline briefly September 12

10 September 2013

The Gemini observing databases will be be offline for about an hour on Thursday, September 12 while some patches are installed. During this time

Observing databases offline September 5 (North) and 9 (South)

2 September 2013

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours while we perform quarterly software updates. Gemini North will be offline on Thursday September

2014A Call for Proposals Announced

29 August 2013

Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2014A. The submission deadline varies with partner and ranges from THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 TO

Successful DSSI Observing Run

28 August 2013

The visiting Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI) completed a successful 8-night run at Gemini North last month. The instrument team obtained data for their

Scheduled Telescope Shutdowns North and South

28 August 2013

The scheduled shutdown at Gemini South is complete, and regular science operations have resumed. In addition to regular work on the Acquisition and Guiding

GPI has arrived at Cerro Pachon

28 August 2013

The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) traveled from the University of California Santa Cruz to Gemini South and is now on the summit of Cerro

Science Operations Staffing Moves

28 August 2013

As of July 1, Sandy Leggett is the Head of Science Operations at Gemini North. This change coincides with Inger Jorgensen’s move to become

GeMS Science

28 August 2013

The first refereed astronomical paper based on observations with the Gemini Multi-conjugate adaptive optics System (GeMS) is now in press. Tim Davidge (Dominion Astrophysical