Science Announcements

PIT Issue on Mac OSX

25 September 2013

We have received reports of the PIT freezing on startup on older versions of Mac OSX, and we are working to resolve the issue

Limits on Quaoar’s Atmosphere

23 September 2013

The Kuiper Belt Object Quaoar, located well beyond the orbit of Pluto, can be studied through occultations as it passes along the line of

GeMS Update

23 September 2013

The Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) was off the Gemini South telescope during the Chilean winter, allowing for work to simplify the use

2014A Proposal Deadline Imminent

23 September 2013

The deadline to submit observing proposals for the 2014A semester is nearly here. The date varies by partner, with the earliest being Thursday, September

Australian Student Imaging Contest Winner

23 September 2013

In a special Live from Gemini videoconference event last week, students from St. Margaret's Anglican Girls School in Ascot, Queensland celebrated the release of

Gemini Planet Imager Progress

23 September 2013

Testing is well underway and the team reports that GPI’s computers are operational, software integration is complete, and mechanisms are tested and operational, including

2013B Observing Tool update available

13 September 2013

A new Observing Tool (OT 2013B.1.2.2) is available via download or the OT auto-update feature. This is a recommended updated, especially for FLAMINGOS-2 PIs

2013B Observing Tool update available

12 September 2013

A new Observing Tool (OT 2013B.1.2.2) is available via download or the OT auto-update feature. This is a recommended updated, especially for FLAMINGOS-2 PIs