Science Announcements

Gemini Strategic Planning — Request for Community Input

13 June 2024

As we envision the future of Gemini Observatory, we recognize the importance of engaging with diverse voices within the astronomical community. To facilitate this

Gemini Fast Turnaround: June 2024

13 June 2024

We are pleased to announce the monthly Call for Proposals for the Gemini Fast Turnaround (FT) Program. The upcoming deadline is 12:00 (noon) Hawai‘i

From Galileo’s 2-inch telescope to Gemini’s twin 8.1-meter mirrors — Gemini at EAS 2024 in Padova

13 June 2024

Gemini Observatory staff will attend the European Astronomical Society (EAS) Annual Meeting from 1–5 July 2024 in Padova (Italy). In the town where Galileo

Gemini Strategic Planning Town Halls

10 May 2024

The International Gemini Observatory has initiated the process of shaping its long-range strategy for the next decade. This is a unique and exciting opportunity

New Head of Engineering Operations, Gemini North

10 May 2024

We are happy to announce that the search for the Head of Engineering Operations at Gemini North has concluded and after an extensive search

Gemini Support for the Akamai Workforce Initiative Continues

10 May 2024

The International Gemini Observatory is continuing its decade-long support of the Akamai Internship Program. This year, Clark Lane Acohido, Emma Carrier, Wilson Lau

Farewell IGRINS, Hello IGRINS-2

10 May 2024

On 22 April 2024, IGRINS (the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph) came off the Gemini South telescope for the last time and was packed up

GMOS Tutorial on Correcting Flexure-Induced Wavelength Shifts via Sky Lines

10 May 2024

Flexure effects within GMOS can result in wavelength zeropoint shifts if the on-sky science data are wavelength-calibrated using daytime CuAr arc exposures. At this