Science Announcements

Gemini Researchers Receive Prestigious Canadian Award

26 January 2009

Figure 1. Christian Marois, David Lafrenière et René Doyon.Photo: Luc Lavigne Canada's national French broadcasting network, Radio-Canada, have awarded their prestigious "Scientist of the

2009A Time Allocations Announced

10 December 2008

The allocations for successful Gemini 2009A observing programs have now been announced. Please check the 2009A schedules page for more information.

2009A Observing Tool released

10 December 2008

The 2009A Observing Tool (OT) is now available to support remaining 2008B observations and the start of semester 2009A.

2009A call for proposals announced

9 December 2008

Gemini is happy to announce that it is accepting proposals for observing time in semester 2009A. The proposal deadline is September 30, 2008. A

Observing databases offline for 09A update

7 December 2008

Starting on Tuesday, December 9 the Gemini Observatory observing databases will be upgraded in preparation for semester 2009A and will not be accessible by

2009A PIT released

7 December 2008

The Phase I Tool (PIT) for semester 2009A observing proposals has been released. This should also be used for poor weather and director's time

Honoring Nod-and-Shuffle

3 December 2008

R. S. Fisher, K. Roth May 28, 2008 The creators of an innovative observing technique called “Nod and Shuffle” will be honored with The

Mauna Kea Weather Center's Symposium on Seeing

3 December 2008

There have been increased efforts in recent years to observe and quantify the effects of atmospheric turbulence and refractivity gradients on telescope image stability