Science Announcements

STAC Meeting April 22-23

16 April 2013

The Gemini Science and Technology Advisory Committee, which advises the Gemini Board on matters of long-range scientific and technical importance, will meet in Tucson

Gemini South Shutdown Complete

16 April 2013

The brief Gemini South shutdown has concluded. It was required to replace some essential elements of the secondary mirror control system that were failing


16 April 2013

FLAMINGOS-2 is currently undergoing what is expected to be the last thermal cycle before mounting onto the Gemini South telescope, which is planned for

Chad Trujillo Appointed to Head of Adaptive Optics

16 April 2013

As of April 1, Astronomer Chad Trujillo has taken the role of Head of Adaptive Optics at Gemini. He will lead the ongoing AO

2013B Proposal Submissions

16 April 2013

The response to the 2013B call for proposals was good, with many partner astronomers looking to take advantage of the new capabilities offered this


16 April 2013

The Gemini Remote Access to CFHT ESPaDOnS Spectrograph (GRACES) project will bring high spectral resolution optical spectroscopy to Gemini via a fiber connecting the

GeminiFocus, Now Quarterly and Electronic

16 April 2013

The Gemini Observatory newsletter, GeminiFocus, is now quarterly and available as both a downloadable PDF and in an on-line e-reader format compatible with desktop

Your Involvement in TMT Invited

31 March 2013

As described in a recent press release, NSF has awarded a cooperative agreement to the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Observatory to explore a