Science Announcements

New MOS mask design software released

4 June 2013

A new version of the Gemini MOS Mask Preparation Software (GMMPS) is now available. This version contains significiant changes designed to improve usability

Northern Observing Database offline June 5

3 June 2013

The Gemini North Observing Database will be offline for ~1 hour for hardware maintenance starting at 10am HST. During this time the Observing Tool

Observing databases offline June 4

30 May 2013

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Tuesday June 4 while we perform quarterly software updates at both the South

FLAMINGOS-2 Commissioning Update

16 May 2013

FLAMINGOS-2 was back on the sky at the end of April. Despite the poor seeing (“bad to very bad” according to Percy Gomez, instrument

A “Shockingly Bright” Gamma-ray Burst

16 May 2013

Antonino Cucchiara (University of California Observatories), Dan Perley (California Institute of Technology), and collaborators used GMOS on Gemini North to obtain a spectrum of

Welcome New Users’ Committee Members

16 May 2013

The Users’ Committee for Gemini (UCG) has been expanded. New members are: Mark Ammons (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Pauline Barmby (University of Western Ontario)

A Gap in a Pre-Transitional Disk

16 May 2013

Planets in the disks around young stars may carve gaps or dynamically affect the disks. These so-called transitional and pre-transitional disks are therefore interesting

Gemini e-newscast #47

16 May 2013

The Gemini e-newscast #47 (May 17, 2013) features: A “Shockingly Bright” Gamma-ray Burst A Gap in a Pre-Transitional Disk FLAMINGOS-2 Commissioning Update Welcome New