rubinann17025 — Announcement
Rubin Digest 21 November 2017
21 November 2017: Project & Science News A reminder: The LSST Town Hall at AAS 231 will take place on Wednesday, January 10th, 2018, at 7:30 pm. This Town Hall will include developments in the planning of LSST’s observing strategy and commissioning policies, and updates from the LSST Corporation and Science Collaborations on community preparations for science with LSST. A successful LSST Safety Review, conducted by the Safety Council, took place in Chile on November 7-9, 2017. The focus of this review was to assess Chilean Base Facility and Summit Site safety processes. The presentations and tours demonstrated that safety has been effectively integrated into all levels of the Project, and that there is a high level of commitment to safety by LSST Project Management. Click here for a group photo from the event. LSST’s fiber-optic network came one milestone closer to activation last week; the AURA LSST Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) …