rubinann24004 — Announcement
Rubin Digest 19 March 2024
20 March 2024: Project and Science News On March 7th, Rubin’s 8.4-meter Primary/Tertiary Mirror (M1M3) was moved from a storage building on the summit to the maintenance floor inside the observatory for the first time. With this move, M1M3 is officially “home” inside the main observatory building, where it will remain for the rest of Construction and throughout the ten-year survey. More details, photos, and a video of the move are available in this news post. A nine-person team from the Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab, where M1M3 was cast, ground, and polished, will be on-site next week to perform the next big move of the mirror onto the steel support cell. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has released a new explainer video for Rubin Observatory and the LSST Camera featuring Aaron Roodman, Deputy Director of Rubin Construction for SLAC. The video is posted on SLAC’s social media channels, including Instagram and LinkedIn. Registration …