Handouts Normal

Handouts: NSF Kitt Peak National Observatory Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Revealing the Secrets of the Dark Universe Handouts: Rubin Observatory Handouts: International Gemini Observatory
Handouts: NSF Kitt Peak National Observatory Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Revealing the Secrets of the Dark Universe Handouts: Rubin Observatory Handouts: International Gemini Observatory
Handouts: TMT Papercraft Handouts: NSF Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Handouts: US-ELTP: Dos telescopios, un sistema Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: The Milky Way and Its Neighbors
Handouts: TMT Papercraft Handouts: NSF Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Handouts: US-ELTP: Dos telescopios, un sistema Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: The Milky Way and Its Neighbors
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Exoplanet System Formation Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: The Search for Life Beyond Earth Handouts: US-ELTP: Two Telescopes, One System Handouts: Scale model of the Thirty Meter Telescope
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Exoplanet System Formation Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: The Search for Life Beyond Earth Handouts: US-ELTP: Two Telescopes, One System Handouts: Scale model of the Thirty Meter Telescope
Handouts: Giant Magellan Telescope Instruments Brochure Handouts: Rubin Voices Trading Cards Handouts: Rubin Voices Trading Cards Handouts: BigData2023
Handouts: Giant Magellan Telescope Instruments Brochure Handouts: Rubin Voices Trading Cards Handouts: Rubin Voices Trading Cards Handouts: BigData2023
Handouts: DEI Handout 2 Handouts: EPO Program Promo Flyer Handouts: Investigation Poster Handouts: Milestones 2022
Handouts: DEI Handout 2 Handouts: EPO Program Promo Flyer Handouts: Investigation Poster Handouts: Milestones 2022
Handouts: NEOs-2021 Handouts: Operations Fact Sheet Handouts: Path to Completion 2022 Handouts: Rubin Obs Project Summary
Handouts: NEOs-2021 Handouts: Operations Fact Sheet Handouts: Path to Completion 2022 Handouts: Rubin Obs Project Summary
Handouts: NOIRLab Career Profile — Guillermo Damke Handouts: A New Decade of Discoveries in the 2020s Handouts: Gemini Observatory Celebrates Two Decades of Discovery Handouts: Astronomy Educator Workshop Agenda
Handouts: NOIRLab Career Profile — Guillermo Damke Handouts: A New Decade of Discoveries in the 2020s Handouts: Gemini Observatory Celebrates Two Decades of Discovery Handouts: Astronomy Educator Workshop Agenda
Handouts: 17th Annual Virtual Astronomy Educators Reception Handouts:  Astronomy Educator Workshop Agenda Handouts: GNAO Handouts: 18th Annual Virtual Astronomy Educators Reception
Handouts: 17th Annual Virtual Astronomy Educators Reception Handouts: Astronomy Educator Workshop Agenda Handouts: GNAO Handouts: 18th Annual Virtual Astronomy Educators Reception
Handouts: March 3, 2021 Journey Public Talk Flyer Handouts: Giant Magellan Telescope Science Goals and Instruments Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Finding the Ideal Location Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Adaptive Optics
Handouts: March 3, 2021 Journey Public Talk Flyer Handouts: Giant Magellan Telescope Science Goals and Instruments Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Finding the Ideal Location Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Adaptive Optics
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Mabel Wong Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Trupti Ranka Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Divya Thanasekaran Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Marie Lemoine-Busserolle
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Mabel Wong Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Trupti Ranka Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Divya Thanasekaran Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Marie Lemoine-Busserolle
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Kyle Kinoshita Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Breann Sitarski Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Fernando  Quirós-Pacheco Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Tim Sacco
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Kyle Kinoshita Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Breann Sitarski Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Fernando Quirós-Pacheco Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Tim Sacco
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Beth Willman Handouts: Inspiration and Astronomy Handouts: US Leadership and Astronomy Handouts: US STEM Training and Astronomy
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Beth Willman Handouts: Inspiration and Astronomy Handouts: US Leadership and Astronomy Handouts: US STEM Training and Astronomy
Handouts: Dark Skies and Astronomy Handouts: Technology Transfer and Astronomy Handouts: Planetary Defense and Astronomy Handouts: Maunakea working group Bill HB2024
Handouts: Dark Skies and Astronomy Handouts: Technology Transfer and Astronomy Handouts: Planetary Defense and Astronomy Handouts: Maunakea working group Bill HB2024
Handouts: Mutual stewards of science and the environment Handouts: Kama'āina Observatory Experience Handouts: Astronomy is vital for Hawai'i and the World Handouts: Global Scientific discoveries led by MKO
Handouts: Mutual stewards of science and the environment Handouts: Kama'āina Observatory Experience Handouts: Astronomy is vital for Hawai'i and the World Handouts: Global Scientific discoveries led by MKO
Handouts: ASTRO2020 state  of the Profession and Societal Impacts Handouts: Path to Completion 2021 Handouts: NEID: An Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Spectrograph Handouts: FireWorks Galaxy" NGC 6946
Handouts: ASTRO2020 state of the Profession and Societal Impacts Handouts: Path to Completion 2021 Handouts: NEID: An Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Spectrograph Handouts: FireWorks Galaxy" NGC 6946
Handouts: Adaptive Optics Schematic Handouts: Gemini North Star Trails Handouts: Gemini South - All Systems Go Handouts: Core of the Trifid
Handouts: Adaptive Optics Schematic Handouts: Gemini North Star Trails Handouts: Gemini South - All Systems Go Handouts: Core of the Trifid
Handouts: HCG 87 Handouts: Exploring the Universe from Both Hemispheres Handouts: Gemini North by Moonlight Handouts: Gemini North, Mauna Kea
Handouts: HCG 87 Handouts: Exploring the Universe from Both Hemispheres Handouts: Gemini North by Moonlight Handouts: Gemini North, Mauna Kea
Handouts: Gemini North Observations Begin Handouts: Gemini South, Cerro Pachón Handouts: Observation Begins * handout080 Handouts: Lights On
Handouts: Gemini North Observations Begin Handouts: Gemini South, Cerro Pachón Handouts: Observation Begins * handout080 Handouts: Lights On
Handouts: Trifid Nebula (M20) * Handouts: Vent Gates Panorama Handouts: Likely Planet around Sun-like Star Handouts: Laser Propagation at Gemini North
Handouts: Trifid Nebula (M20) * Handouts: Vent Gates Panorama Handouts: Likely Planet around Sun-like Star Handouts: Laser Propagation at Gemini North
Handouts: Exploring the Southern Hemisphere Handouts: Gemini South Star Trails Handouts: The "Perfect Spiral" Handouts: Explorando el Universo desde Ambos Hemisferios
Handouts: Exploring the Southern Hemisphere Handouts: Gemini South Star Trails Handouts: The "Perfect Spiral" Handouts: Explorando el Universo desde Ambos Hemisferios
Handouts: Planetary First Family Handouts: "Shooting Star" Over Gemini North Handouts: Galaxia de formación estelar NGC 1313 Handouts: Supperbubble Complex N44
Handouts: Planetary First Family Handouts: "Shooting Star" Over Gemini North Handouts: Galaxia de formación estelar NGC 1313 Handouts: Supperbubble Complex N44
Handouts: Complejo Super Burbuja N44 Handouts: Laser Star Trails, Gemini North Handouts: Gemini Sur al Atardecer Handouts: Saturn and Titan
Handouts: Complejo Super Burbuja N44 Handouts: Laser Star Trails, Gemini North Handouts: Gemini Sur al Atardecer Handouts: Saturn and Titan
Handouts: Exploring the Universe from Both Hemispheres Handouts: Bullets in Orion Nebula Handouts: Jupiter Handouts: Observations Begin at Gemini South
Handouts: Exploring the Universe from Both Hemispheres Handouts: Bullets in Orion Nebula Handouts: Jupiter Handouts: Observations Begin at Gemini South
Handouts: Comienza la Observación en Gemini Sur Handouts: Laser Guide Star on the Northern Sky Handouts: The Fiery Embrace of NGC 1532/31 Handouts: Imaging Exoplanets with Gemini
Handouts: Comienza la Observación en Gemini Sur Handouts: Laser Guide Star on the Northern Sky Handouts: The Fiery Embrace of NGC 1532/31 Handouts: Imaging Exoplanets with Gemini
Handouts: Gemini South at Twilight Handouts: Misteriosa Erupción de Nacimiento Estelar Handouts: A Mysterious Rash of Star Birth Handouts: Visión Láser
Handouts: Gemini South at Twilight Handouts: Misteriosa Erupción de Nacimiento Estelar Handouts: A Mysterious Rash of Star Birth Handouts: Visión Láser
Showing 1 to 100 of 142