Handouts: NSF Kitt Peak National Observatory |
Handouts: Planetary Science at NOIRLab |
Handouts: Observatorio Nacional Kitt Peak de NSF |
Handouts: Centro de Datos para la Comunidad Científica de NSF |
Handouts: Rubin Observatory |
Handouts:Observatorio Vera C. Rubin de NSF-DOE |
Handouts: Complejo astronómico de Cerro Tololo de NSF |
Handouts: NSF Community Science and Data Center |
Handouts: Observatorio Internacional Gemini |
Handouts: International Gemini Observatory |
Handouts: NSF Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory |
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Finding the Ideal Location |
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: The Milky Way and Its Neighbors |
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Adaptive Optics |
Handouts: US-ELTP: Two Telescopes, One System |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Beth Willman |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Tim Sacco |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Fernando Quirós-Pacheco |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Breann Sitarski |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Kyle Kinoshita |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Marie Lemoine-Busserolle |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Divya Thanasekaran |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Trupti Ranka |
Handouts: US-ELTP Career Profile — Mabel Wong |
Handouts: US-ELTP: Dos telescopios, un sistema |
Handouts: TMT Papercraft |
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Revealing the Secrets of the Dark Universe |
Handouts: NOIRLab Career Profile — Guillermo Damke |
Handouts: NEID: An Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Spectrograph |
Handouts: Mutual stewards of science and the environment |
Handouts: Kama'āina Observatory Experience |
Handouts: Astronomy is vital for Hawai'i and the World |
Handouts: Global Scientific discoveries led by MKO |
Handouts: ASTRO2020 state of the Profession and Societal Impacts |
Handouts: Maunakea working group Bill HB2024 |
Handouts: Inspiration and Astronomy |
Handouts: US Leadership and Astronomy |
Handouts: US STEM Training and Astronomy |
Handouts: Dark Skies and Astronomy |
Handouts: Technology Transfer and Astronomy |
Handouts: Planetary Defense and Astronomy |
Handouts: A New Decade of Discoveries in the 2020s |
Handouts: Scale model of the Thirty Meter Telescope |
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: The Search for Life Beyond Earth |
Handouts: US-ELTP Lithograph: Exoplanet System Formation |
Handouts: Path to Completion 2021 |
Handouts: The Alchemist's Dream |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope - Site Locations |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope - First Light Instrumentation |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope - First Light Instrumentation |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope |
Handouts: Wide Field Optical Spectograph |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope - Engineering Subsystems |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope |
Handouts: Thirty Meter Telescope |
Handouts: Studying our Solar System |
Handouts: Gemini in the Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy |
Handouts: Big Ideas for Gemini's Future |
Handouts: A Stellar Incubator |
Handouts: Una Incubadora Estelar |
Handouts: Start-birth "Fireworks" |
Handouts: "Pirotecnia" de Nacimiento Estelar |
Handouts: A "Smashing" Polar-ring Galaxy |
Handouts: Una Galaxia Anillada Polar "Destruida" |
Handouts: Light from Dark |
Handouts: Luz de la Oscuridad |
Handouts: A Moonlit Giant |
Handouts: Un Gigante Alumbrado por la Luna |
Handouts: Gemini North Under a Milky Bow |
Handouts: Gemini Norte Bajo una Cinta Láctea |
Handouts: A Graceful Spiral in a Blizzard of Galaxies |
Handouts: Una Agraciada Espiral en Medio de un Bosque de Galaxias |
Handouts: Gemini South Laser Guide Stars |
Handouts: Estrellas Guías Láser de Gemini Sur |
Handouts: Gemini North Telescope |
Handouts: Telescopio de Gemini Norte |
Handouts: Galaxy Diversity in a Herd |
Handouts: Un Grupo con Diversidad de Galaxias |
Handouts: Every Picture Tells a Story |
Handouts: Cada Fotografía cuenta una Historia |
Handouts: Bullets in the Orion Nebula |
Handouts: "Balas" atraviesan la Nebulosa de Orión |
Handouts: "Child" of Another Star |
Handouts: "Niño" de Otra Estrella |
Handouts: Gemini North "Cloaked" Dome |
Handouts: Domo Transparente de Gemini Norte |
Handouts: Laser Vision |
Handouts: Visión Láser |
Handouts: A Mysterious Rash of Star Birth |
Handouts: Misteriosa Erupción de Nacimiento Estelar |
Handouts: Gemini South at Twilight |
Handouts: Imaging Exoplanets with Gemini |
Handouts: The Fiery Embrace of NGC 1532/31 |
Handouts: Laser Guide Star on the Northern Sky |
Handouts: Comienza la Observación en Gemini Sur |
Handouts: Observations Begin at Gemini South |
Handouts: Jupiter |
Handouts: Bullets in Orion Nebula |
Handouts: Exploring the Universe from Both Hemispheres |