Do you think the stars are something unreachable or that they are only reserved for geniuses and astronauts?
Be part of this "Viaje" and you will discover a Universe of possibilities that only can be limited by your imagination.
Between October 21 and 25, astronomers, scientists, engineers and technicians of NOIRLAB - AURA in Chile along with the University of La Serena (ULS) will offer a series of virtual activities to share with students in La Serena and Coquimbo in Chile all the wonders of this Universe that surprises us night after night.
"Viaje al Universo" is an activity that takes place every year and that -traditionally- takes astronomy and sciences to the classrooms. In its 13th version, "Viaje al Universo" will be held in a full face to face mode schools of La Serena, Coquimbo and Vuña, in Chile.
If you want to know more how you can be part of this wonderful Viaje (journey), please visit our “contact” section and let us know you'd like to be involved.
We will be waiting for you!