Probing the Parameter Space of Exoplanets and their Environment through HATSouth

Viernes, 10 Junio 2016 mediodía — 1 p.m. MST

AURA Lecture Hall

NOIRLab South Colloquia
MARKUS RABUS (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) and NOAO South Visiting Astronomer)

Transiting exoplanets are extremely useful objects for studying the properties of planets as their photometric transits yield unambiguous information on their masses and radii, and thus density and interior structure. Studies of this sort have already led to a number of important discoveries, such as the existence of planets with radii substantially larger than expected, and the detection of a population of high-obliquity planets. I will introduce the HATSouth survey, a global network of telescopes dedicated to search for transiting exoplanets. Our discovered planets span a large mass range from super-Neptune to super-Jupiters around hosts with very different stellar parameters. This diversity will help us to empirically constrain limits on planet formation, structure and evolution.