Interior of LIGO at Hanford, Washington Fulldome
Interior of LIGO at Hanford, Washington Fulldome
Interior of LIGO at Hanford, Washington Fulldome
Interior of LIGO at Hanford, Washington Fulldome
Interior of LIGO at Hanford, Washington Fulldome
Interior of LIGO at Hanford, Washington Fulldome
LIGO at Hanford, Washington
LIGO at Hanford, Washington
LIGO at Hanford, Washington
LIGO at Hanford, Washington
LIGO at Hanford, Washington
LIGO at Hanford, Washington
LIGO Control Room
LIGO Control Room
Inside the Gemini North Observatory
LIGO Control Room.
LIGO Control Room
Aerial view of Gemini South.
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