CosmoView Episode 35: Gemini Catches a One-Winged Butterfly

A new image highlights a large cloud of gas and dust known as the Chamaeleon Infrared Nebula, located in one of the nearest star-forming regions in the Milky Way. Hidden inside the nebula is a young star emitting streams of fast-moving gas that have carved a tunnel through the surrounding clouds. The star’s light scatters off the tunnel walls, and finally reflects off the surrounding dust and gas of the nebula. The image was taken from Chile by a multi-object spectrograph installed at the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of NSF's NOIRLab.


Images and videos: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/E. Slawik, D. De Martin/Kwon O Chul

Image processing: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage/NSF’s NOIRLab), J. Miller (Gemini Observatory/NSF’s NOIRLab), M. Zamani (NSF’s NOIRLab) & D. de Martin (NSF’s NOIRLab)

Music: Stellardrone - A Moment of Stillness


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Release date:7 de Diciembre de 2021 a las 13:04
Related releases:noirlab2129
Duración:01 m 13 s
Cuadros por segundo:30 fps

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Ultra HD (info)


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