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88 Constellations



This constellation was invented in 1687 by Johannes Hevelius. Originally depicting a fox holding a goose, over time people have started to leave out the goose.

Bright Stars

The brightest star in Vulpecula is Alpha Vulpeculae with a visual magnitude of 4.63.

Photo of the constellation Vulpecula produced by NOIRLab in collaboration with Eckhard Slawik, a German astrophotographer. The annotations are from a standardized set of 88 western IAU constellations and stick figures from Sky & Telescope. Please find here a non-annotated version of the image.

Credit: E. Slawik/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/M. Zamani

Latin name

English name






Notable Objects

Notable objects in Vulpecula include NGC 6885, an open star cluster that is just bright enough to be viewed through binoculars, and Messier 27, a planetary nebula easily visible through binoculars in dark areas. M27 is popularly known as the Dumbbell Nebula.