The Samurai and the Stars (Japan) (flat version)

Finding Patterns: For many, the stars offer solace and comfort. For our Japanese narrator, images in the sky—even the colors of the stars—bring back memories of music, history, and childhood.

This film is part of the One Sky Project. Each short film represents the perspective of a different culture or Indigenous society from around the globe. Each film stands alone as a short story or in combination as a longer narrative — organized around themes of "Finding Patterns" and developing tools, or as we say, "To Seek Far."


One Sky Project/SG360/TMT/‘Imiloa/CalAcademy/NSF's NOIRLab

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Release date:2 de Diciembre de 2022 a las 16:41
Duración:05 m 45 s
Cuadros por segundo:30 fps

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