Celestial Canoe (Innu land, Canada) (flat version)

Finding Patterns: The First People of what is now northern Canada watched the slow turn of a canoe in the sky—mirroring the change in seasons on land. This celestial canoe guided them through a particularly challenging part of the year.

This film is part of the One Sky Project. Each short film represents the perspective of a different culture or Indigenous society from around the globe. Each film stands alone as a short story or in combination as a longer narrative — organized around themes of "Finding Patterns" and developing tools, or as we say, "To Seek Far."


One Sky Project/SG360/TMT/‘Imiloa/CalAcademy/NSF's NOIRLab

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Release date:2 de Diciembre de 2022 a las 16:41
Duración:07 m 10 s
Cuadros por segundo:30 fps

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