Jewelbox Image and StarGauge - How Old Are the Jewels?

You will need to make a good quality printed copy (color printer needed) of the Jewelbox Image and StarGauge. The image is available to you in three formats. Select the format that works best for you. Read our notes below about printer performance for this image.

  • TIFF image (4.1 Mb) - this TIFF file of the Jewelbox Image and StarGauge will provide the highest quality image for the exercise. You can download the TIFF image directly by putting your cursor on the link and holding down the "shift" key and the "right" mouse button at the same time.
  • PDF file (361 Kb) - this version of the Jewelbox Image and StarGauge can be printed as a PDF file - you must have Acrobat Reader setup as a helper in your browser or running as a standalone program.
  • JPEG image (1 Mb) - this version of the Jewelbox Image and StarGauge can be printed directly from its Web page using the File/Print... option of your browser. You can also download the JPEG image directly from its page by putting your cursor on the image and holding down the "shift" key and the "right" mouse button at the same time. This image is of lesser quality than the other choices but is still acceptable to perform the exercise.

Printer notes:

For best results, we recommend printing the Jewelbox Image and StarGauge on an ink-jet printer, using the highest resolution available and good quality paper designed for use on an ink-jet printer. Resolutions of 720 dpi should be acceptable, and available on most ink-jet printers. Resolutions up to 1440 are preferred if available, since students will be able to distinguish fine detail more easily.

Color laser printers can also be used, but may not produce an image of as good quality as a good ink jet printer.

Thermal die-sub printers will also produce excellent quality prints for use in the Jewelbox activity, and may be available in copy shops such as Alphagraphics or Kinkos.